February 3, 2025
Contact: Earl Wells | 716-553-5225 | e3communications
MOUNT MORRIS, NY – “American Rock Salt has been working diligently to meet the demand from local government customers across New York State for salt supply. We realize some municipalities are concerned about supply and we understand the frustration associated with this very difficult winter stressing our supply chain.
Since October 14, 2024, our team has worked relentlessly in the mine 24 hours a day, 101 out of the last 113 days which included Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year and other holidays. We are extremely proud of the hard work of American Rock Salt’s 300+ strong union members’ efforts to maintain salt production levels to satisfy this unprecedented demand.
“We also have taken additional measures to increase supply, including opening our reserve stockpiles; the purchase of new underground equipment to mine additional salt; and construction of more access points to our underground conveyor and bin system to help transport more salt to our processing equipment. With these efforts we have successfully increased daily production by over 25%, while maintaining a safe working environment.
“For further context, in 2024 American Rock Salt shipped 1.8 million tons of salt for the entirety of the winter season; this winter through January 2025 alone we have already shipped over 2.1 million tons of salt. In total, we have mined and shipped more salt so far this winter than all of last year. Municipalities have acknowledged that in some instances they have already used the level of salt in 2025 compared to the level they used for the entire winter season of 2024. Regardless, we are prioritizing resources and deliveries to ensure no one runs out of supply.
“This historic demand is due to the long stretch of cold weather events impacting the region where the constantly low temperatures require salting roads for even very small snowfall events. This trend is consistent throughout the Northeast and across the nation as even parts of Florida have experienced snowfall this winter. We are operating under the assumption that this strong demand will continue throughout the remainder of the 2025 winter season.
“Finally, it is our understanding that this historic demand is impacting the supply from all salt mining companies, foreign and domestic.
“American Rock Salt continues to be in direct contact with our state and local partners to ensure they continue to have adequate salt supply and working non-stop to meet the needs of our valued customers and communities.”
About American Salt Mine, LLC:
Formed in 1997, American Salt Mine is the largest producing salt mine in the United States. The mine produces large quantities of de-icing salt each year, ensuring safe winter road conditions for millions of people in over 12 states. American Rock Salt has played a key role in the economy of neighboring communities, creating over 400 new jobs in Livingston County New York and hundreds of related jobs in the region through the transportation, rail, and construction industries. We rely on the experience of several generations of miners who are members of the United Steelworkers to pass on their skills through support and training of our new union employees.